I. It is Possible to Travel Overseas for a Visa Holder ?

Once a visa holder of Japan went out from Japan without permission, it means that the visa came to be invalid after the departure.

In order to avoid that the visa should be invalidated, it was necessary for a visa holder to get permission of re-entry before going abroad.

Currently it is not required to get a permit of re-entry on entering or landing into Japan for a visa holder who has a visa, the "term of stay" of which is more than three months or other than "Short Term Stay", when returning from overseas within one year after leaving Japan, if the visa holder has reported of intention of returning at the departure.

However, it is still necessary to get permission of re-entry when a visa holder is planning to go abroad for more than one year.

II. How to Apply for Re-Entry

It is required to file the following documents to a regional immigration services bureau under Immigration Services Agency of Japan("ISAJ"「出入国在留管理庁」) to apply for re-entry into Japan.

A. an application form in a regulated format("APPLICATION FOR RE-ENTRY PERMIT"「再入国許可申請書」)

It is also principally necessary to show the passport and the residence card of the applicant on submitting the application,

unless the applicant hire a registered legal specialist like a registered gyoseishoshi lawyer or a immigration lawyer and the lawyer bring the passport and the residence card of the applicant to the regional immigration bureau on behalf of the applicant.

The secretary of ISAJ is authorized to determine, in its discretion, if the application should be permitted or not.

When the secretary permits the application, a validated period within five years can be added to the permission of re-entry.

We can help you to apply for re-entry by preparing an application form & the required documents, attending the regional immigration services bureau, filing the application, negotiating or communicating with the regional immigration services bureau and so on.

If you hire us, you don't need to go to the regional immigration services bureau principally.

duration, charge & fee

A determination to the application should principally be made on the same day of submitting.

Charge to the regional immigration services bureau

:3,000. JPY for one time re-entry permission

:6,000. JPY for multiple re-entry permission

Fee to Us

: 33,000. JPY including sales tax

* "Application for Re-entry Permit"「再入国許可申請書」can be applied via internets, only if it is submitted along with "Application for Change of Status of Residence"「在留資格変更許可申請」, "Application for Extension of Period of Stay"「在留期間更新許可申請」, "Application for Permission to Acquire Status of Residence"「在留資格取得許可申請」.

* The fee to us shall be the same whether the application is files via the internet or by attending the regional immigration services bureau, as it is necesssary to go to the regional immigration bureau when receiving the result.


III. How to Contact Us

If you need any assistance or have any questions, please feel free to send your request or inquiry to us via "contact us" page of ours.

You can also contact us via instant messaging service, WhatsApp or Telegram.

@ +81 90 6188 1648 

Otherwise, please contact us by phone or by email !

