"Technical Intern Trainee" Visa

"Technical Intern Trainee" visa is categorized in Tier II of Group I defined in Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act ("ICRRA", hereafter). 

I. Granted Activities 

A. Technical Intern Trainee (i)(a)

activities of business on lectures, skills, techniques or knowledge in technical intern plans of "controlled by single company item 1" defined in item 1 of clause 2 of article 2 of "Act on Adequate Execution of Training of Technical Interns on Protection of Technical Interns" 「外国人の技能実習の適正な実施及び技能実習生の保護に関する法律」("Technical intern Act"), recognized in accordance with clause 1 of article 8 of Technical Intern Act

B. Technical Intern Trainee (i)(b)

activities of lectures, skills or any other in technical intern plans of "controlled by association item 1" defined in item 1 of clause 4 of article 2 of Technical Intern Act, recognized in accordance with clause 1 of article 8 of Technical Intern Act

C. Technical Intern Trainee (ii)(a)

activities of business which requires skills in technical intern plans of "controlled by single company item 2" defined in item 2 of clause 4 of article 2 of Technical Intern Act, recognized in accordance with clause 1 of article 8 of Technical Intern Act

D. Technical Intern Trainee (ii)(b)

activities of business which requires skills in technical intern plans of "controlled by association item 2" defined in item 2 of clause 4 of article 2 of Technical Intern Act, recognized in accordance with clause 1 of article 8 of Technical Intern Act

E. Technical Intern Trainee (iii)(a)

activities of business which requires skills in technical intern plans of "controlled by single company item 3" defined in item 3 of clause 2 of article 2 of Technical Intern Act, recognized in accordance with clause 1 of article 8 of Technical Intern Act

F. Technical Intern Trainee (iii)(b)

activities of business which requires skills in technical intern plans of "controlled by association item 3" defined in item 3 of clause 4 of article 2 of Technical Intern Act, recognized in accordance with clause 1 of article 8 of Technical Intern Act

II. Granted Period of Stay 

The period of the stay shall be determined by the minister of justice, as follows:

within one year ( (i)(a) & (i)(b) ).

within two years ( (ii)(a), (ii)(b), (iii)(a) & (iii)(b) ) .

III. Conditions to be Permitted 

A. Applied activities are not false. 

B. Applied activities coincide with activities defined for each visa in ICRRA.

It is also required to meet the followings, or so called " Criteria of Permits for Landing" as "Medical Care" is categorized in Tier II of Group I:

A. The technical intern training plan for the activities of the applicant should be confirmed in accordance with "section 1, article 8" of Law on Appropriate Execution of Technical Intern Training for Foreigners and Protection of Technical Intern Trainee「外国人の技能実習の適正な実施及び技能実習生の保護に関する法律」.

IV. Documents Required to Apply for a Certificate of Eligibility or Change of Visa

A. Technical Intern Trainee (i)(a)

a copy of a notice of recognition and application of the technical intern plan of "controlled by single company item 1" defined in item 1 of clause 2 of article 2 of "Act on Adequate Execution of Training of Technical Interns on Protection of Technical Interns" 「外国人の技能実習の適正な実施及び技能実習生の保護に関する法律」(”Technical Intern Act"), recognized in accordance with clause 1 of article 8 of Technical Intern Act

B. Technical Intern Trainee (i)(b)

a copy of a notice of recognition and application of the technical intern plan of "controlled by association item 1" defined in item 1 of clause 4 of article 2 of Technical Intern Act, recognized in accordance with clause 1 of article 8 of Technical Intern Act

C. Technical Intern Trainee (ii)(a)

a) a copy of a notice of recognition and application of the technical intern plan of "controlled by single company item 2" defined in item 2 of clause 2 of article 2 of Technical Intern Act, recognized in accordance with clause 1 of article 8 of Technical Intern Act

b) a certificate of annual incomes and paid taxes, if applied for change of status of residence

D. Technical Intern Trainee (ii)(b)

a) a copy of a notice of recognition and application of the technical intern plan of "controlled by association item 2" defined in item 2 of clause 4 of article 2 of Technical Intern Act, recognized in accordance with clause 1 of article 8 of Technical Intern Act

b) a certificate of annual incomes and paid taxes, if applied for change of status of residence

E. Technical Intern Trainee (iii)(a)

a) a copy of a notice of recognition and application of the technical intern plan of "controlled by single company item3" defined in item 2 of clause 2 of article 2 of Technical Intern Act, recognized in accordance with clause 1 of article 8 of Technical Intern Act

b) a certificate of annual incomes and paid taxes, if applied for change of status of residence

F. Technical Intern Trainee (iii)(b)

a) a copy of a notice of recognition and application of the technical intern plan of "controlled by association item3" defined in item 3 of clause4 of article 2 of Technical Intern Act, recognized in accordance with clause 1 of article 8 of Technical Intern Act

b) a certificate of annual incomes and paid taxes, if applied for change of status of residence

V. Documents Required to Apply for Extension of Visa

A. a certificate of annual incomes and paid taxes 

VI. How to Contact Us

If you need any assistance or any inquiries, please send your request or inquiry to us via "Contact Us" page of ours.

You can also contact us via instant messaging service, WhatsApp or Telegram. 

@ +81 90 6188 1648 

Otherwise, please contact us by phone or email.

Mobile: 090-6188-1648 

Email: nihonbashiprime@gmail.com