"Student" Visa

"Student" visa is categorized in Tier IV of Group I defined in Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act ("ICRRA", hereafter). 

I. Granted Activities 

activities of studying in universities, collages, technical collages, senior high schools, junior high school, primary schools or any other schools similar to the above in terms of facilities and organizations

II. Granted Period of Stay 

4 years and 3 months, 3 years and 3 months, 3 years, 2years and 3 months, 2 years, 1 year and 3 months, 1 year, 6 months or 3 months

III. Conditions to be Permitted 

A. Applied activities are not false. 

B. Applied activities coincide with activities defined for each visa in ICRRA.

It is also required to meet the followings, or so called " Criteria of Permits for Landing" as "Student" is categorized in Tier IV of Group II:

A. The applicant should correspond to one of the following:

(a) The applicant should enter and study in a domestic college, a domestic educational institution equivalent to a college, a special course of a vocational school, a domestic educational institution providing education for students having studied in foreign schools for twelve years or more in order to get permission from domestic colleges or a domestic technical college except for studying entirely in the night time or studying correspondence courses.

(b) The applicant should enter and study in a domestic graduate school entirely in the nighttime, on a condition that the graduate school has a control system which can sufficiently manage attendance records of students from overseas and situations of compliance with "clause 1, article 19" of ICRRA.

(c) The applicant should enter and study in a senior high school, except for a night high school, including a later course of a middle educational school, the same hereafter, in a senior course of a special support school, in a junior high school including a later course of a compulsory educational school and a former course of a middle educational school, the same hereafter, in middle course of a special support school, in a primary school including a former course of a compulsory educational school, the same hereafter, in a primary course of a special support school, in a high course or a general course of a special vocational school, in a miscellaneous school or an educational school similar to the above school in terms of its facilities and organization, except for studying in night time entirely or studying by correspondence education.

B. The applicant should have sufficient assets and other resources such as a scholarship to pay required expenses for the life in Japan, provided that this shall be excluded, if the other party shall pay for the expenses.

C. If the applicant should study as a research student or as an auditor studying entirely by attending classes or lectures, the applicant should correspond to (a) or (b) on the above A., should have received admission from the school and should be attending classes or lectures for ten hours per week. 

D. If the applicant should study in a senior high school, the applicant should be twenty years old or younger and should have studied Japanese language or have had education in Japanese in some educational institutions for one year or more, provided that this shall be excluded, if the applicant shall be accepted as a student under a student exchange plan or an international exchange plan equivalent to that formulated by an organization of the central government or a local government, an independent governmental institution, a national university institution, an educational institution, an associated institution for public interests or a foundational institution for public interests in Japan. 

E. If the applicant should study in a junior high school, junior high course of a special support school or a primary course of a special support school, the applicant should correspond to each of the following, provided that this shall be excluded, if the applicant should be accepted as a student or a school kid under a student exchange plan or an international exchange plan equivalent to that formulated by an organization of the central government, an independent governmental institution, a national university institution, an educational institution, an associated institution for interests or a foundational institution for public interests in Japan:

(a) If the applicant should study in a junior high school, the applicant should be seventeen years old or younger.

(b) If the applicant should study in a primary school, the applicant should be fourteen years old or younger.

(c) The applicant should be under care and custody in Japan.

(d) The educational institution in which the applicant should study, should have full time workers to guide students or school kids in daily lives.

(e) The educational Institution in which the applicant should study, should have a dormitory or another facility with full time workers where the applicant can spend its daily life with no difficulty.

F. The applicant should correspond to each of the following, if the applicant should study in a special vocational school or in a miscellaneous school except for studying Japanese language, provided that the applicant is should not be required to correspond to (a), if the applicant is willing to be engaged in studying in an educational institution founded for a purpose of accepting a plenty of students from overseas and making primary or middle education in English: 

(a) The applicant should have had education on  Japanese language for six months or more in the designated educational institution by the minister of justice after hearing an opinion of the minister of education and science which makes education on Japanese language for foreigners, "Japanese education institution" hereafter, should have been certified its ability of Japanese language to study in a special vocational school or a miscellaneous school by an examination or should have had education for one year or more in a school defined in "article 1" of School and Education law except for a kinder garden.  

(b) The educational institution accepting the applicant should have a full time workers to guide foreign students in daily lives. 

G. If the applicant should have education on Japanese language entirely in a special vocational school, a miscellaneous school or an educational institution similar to them in terms of its facilities and organization, the school or the educational institution should be a "Japanese educational institution".

H. If the applicant should study in an educational institution which provides education to students having had school education for twelve years or more for obtaining admission from domestic colleges, the educational institution should have been designated by the minister of justice after hearing an opinion of the minister of education and science.

I. If the applicant should have education in a school similar to a miscellaneous school in terms of its facilities and organization, except for entirely studying Japanese language, the educational institution should have been designated by a notice of the minister of justice.

IV. Documents Required to Apply for a Certificate of Eligibility or Change of Visa

A. a copy of admission of the institution at which the applicant shall study

B.  a document which certifies capacity to pay all of the expenses during its stay, or, if any other shall pay the expenses then the applicant, a document which certifies capacity of who shall pay the expenses and backgrounds of the reason why he or she shall pay for the applicant

C.  a document issued by the institution of the study which certifies the contents or the subjects of the study and hours of the study, if the applicant shall be a research student or an auditor

D. if to be engaged in activities of studying at a senior high school, a junior high school or the same grade school other than a primary school, a certificate of graduation  and a document which clarifies the school career

E. if to be engaged in activities of studying at a junior high school, primary school or the same grade school, a material which clarifies the accommodation facility of the daily life

V. Documents Required to Apply for Extension of Visa

A. a certificate of student status & a transcript from the educational institution in which the applicant studies, or a transcript with attendance reports if the applicant studies in a senior high school or in the same grade of school, or a document which certifies status of attendance if the applicant studies in a primary school, in a junior high school or in the same grade of school

B. a document which certifies capability of the applicant to pay all of the expenses in the stay in Japan or a document which certifies capability of the somebody else to pay all of the expenses in the stay of the applicant in Japan if she / he shall pay for the applicant

C. a material which clarifies the accommodation facility of the daily life if the applicant studies in a primary school, in a junior high school or in the same grade of school

VI. How to Contact Us

If you need any assistance or any inquiries, please send your request or inquiry to us via "Contact Us" page of ours.

You can also contact us via instant messaging service, WhatsApp or Telegram. 

@ +81 90 6188 1648 

Otherwise, please contact us by phone or email.

Mobile: 090-6188-1648 

Email: nihonbashiprime@gmail.com